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Running Fearless

Who is Alexis Gomez Behind that Golden Ticket to Hollywood?


I am very excited to share with you a more personal side with a hometown favorite here in the Miami Valley, as well as my best friend of 11 years...Alexis Gomez.

"Alexis, I know you so well already, but for the readers who don't know you as well, can you tell us a little about yourself? What are your hobbies...what are things you like to do?"

Ya know, outside of singing and songwriting, there are a lot of things I enjoy. It always surprises me when people say I don’t look like an athlete, I mean, do I look that uncoordinated?! *laughs*

But some of the hobbies I have been involved with the longest have been in sports! I played volleyball, basketball, and softball all throughout school. Softball was my main sport, and I even contemplated playing at a small division 3 school in college. Since it is still one of my loves, I continue to play in local recreactional leagues! I also grew up on a little bit of land and always had four-wheelers, so that is something I enjoy doing year-round!

Aside from sports, I think the one thing people really never expected from me is that I love working on cars. I grew up working on cars with my dad, brother, and grandpa and even rebuilt my first car at 15 years old! It's one of the things I love doing with my family.

"You sing everywhere, you've been to Nashville, you have a band, where else do you like to play?"

I've been fortunate enough to play at a lot of great places in Nashville where I've learned so much and kind of paid my dues. Here with my band, we take every opportunity we can to play so I can’t even tell you all the crazy places we have been! But where I regularly play and sing is at Southbrook Christian Church as a volunteer worship leader. I have gone to church there since I was 2 years old. Honestly, I always have thought that singing at church is what has prepared me to do a lot of what I do today.

That was the first place I sang, one of the first bands I played in, and where I got comfortable in front of people. As I got older, I really started watching the talent we have on the team there and learned so much from the other singers and musicians. At the end of the day, I know God gave me a talent and I love using it to bring people closer to Him in a worship setting. I hope it’s something I always have time to do.

"Have you always lived in Ohio?"

Well for most of my life, I’ve been an Ohio girl! But when I was 12, my parents and I moved to East Lansing, Michigan for two years because of my dad’s job. At first, it was hard to leave my Ohio family, but eventually we came back. To this day, East Lansing will always be one of my favorite places!

"I know you have 2 nephews, what's it like being an aunt?"

OH MY GOSH. I literally never knew I could love someone as much as I love those two. I feel so lucky that I get to babysit them both during the week. It means so much to me getting to see them grow up. My family is so close and the bigger we get, the closer we are and that’s an amazing thing to have in my life.

-Awh! That's super sweet!

"What is it like to come from such a big family?"

You know, I really do feel so lucky to have been blessed with the family I have. Growing up was the best. I never had to have a babysitter because I was always with my grandma, my aunt, or my cousins. They felt like siblings and I think that is what has kept us so close over the years. I have fifty cousins and we all live 5 minutes from each other. I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

-Wow, that really is a blessing to have so many people who love you and support you so close to you!

"So not many people may realize this by just looking at you, but you're Mexican. Do you speak Spanish?”

Yeah, I am part Mexican and my grandpa actually still lives in Mexico. But growing up, we didn’t speak Spanish in my house. However, my love for my heritage and culture made me take an interest in the language. I started taking classes in sixth grade and would always make all my friends speak Spanish with me! *laughs*

I love speaking Spanish and I love that I still have the opportunity to communicate with my family that is still in Mexico. With my passion for Spanish and music, I feel like there is a niche I can fill in country music where I can incorporate a little Spanish into my country songs and connect that music with mi gente Latina!

-That is awesome!

"So tell us, what's a weird quirk you have that you would like to share with our readers?"

Well there are a ton of weird things about me, but one thing that has always been my "thing" is bare feet. I’m a really weird combo of a Mexican hippie briar. And my bare feet is where my Kentucky briar roots come in. For as long as I can remember, I have just always loved being barefoot. And when I’m playing music, it’s funny…because although I can’t always be barefoot at all my gigs, I wish I could be!

"Did I mention I love your eye make-up?! What is your favorite go-to product?"

Younique's 3D Fiber Lash Mascara! My sister actually sells it! It’s always nice having someone with an “in” like that!

***READERS: To make a purchase and help support one of the Gomez sisters, check out:

-Awesome thank you for sharing your beauty secrets with us! And now, the question many of your fans are asking....

"How did you feel when you found out you received a "Golden Ticket?"

Oh my gosh it still doesn’t feel real to me! Honestly, I am just so honored and shocked that those judges...who are so accomplished in the music business, saw a little potential in me. They also gave me a ton of good critiques to go home with and work on so I can try and survive through Hollywood week! Pray for me! Ah!

-Thanks for talking to me today Alexis. I hope our readers learned a little more about who you are behind all of the cameras!

"What's a message you'd like to leave with our readers?"

I just want to say that no matter what your dreams are, never think they are out of reach. If you work hard and keep on persevering even when you get a ‘no’, you can make anything happen. Whether it’s music, business, art or me when I say nothing is more rewarding than knowing you work hard day-in and day-out to go after your dreams and never give up! Surround yourself with good, grounded people that you trust and never forget who gave you the gift you have!

And there you have it folks...another side of Alexis Gomez that you may not see on television. I couldn't be more proud of her. Alexis is a great friend, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin and more. She has a bigger heart than people give her credit for and a voice that gives you chills up your spine.

But don't just take my word for it, keep watching American Idol XIV on Fox Weds/Thurs at 8/7C to watch her journey and see where she ends up next!

Missed all the action? Check out her Kansas City Audition here:

To keep following Alexis on her musical journey, be sure to check out all her social media here:









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