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Running Fearless

What It's Like to Date An Independent Girl

She's fierce, strong and will never to ask you for help, even if she really needs it. Headstrong and always ready to conquer the world.

Dating an independent girl has it's perks. Not too needy, can take care of herself, that's great. She pays her rent, and everything she owns is a product of her hard work. An independent girl doesn't ever rely on a man, she will fight her own battles with or without you.

But a strong, independent woman, does more than take care of her bills. Shes selfless and always willing to put others before herself. Because even when she feels like she has it all together, she knows she doesn't. Independence has its limitations. Sure, you don't mind having a few nights to yourself, but there will always be those days that you wish you had someone around (even if you don't want to admit it).

You’re perfectly capable of doing things on your own, until you really just wish there was someone to help carry in those boxes from the car, or help you with a few things around the house. Or simply hanging a picture evenly on that wall, or laying back and reminiscing about the future.

She’s the girl who can stand on her own two feet, but willing to admit that having someone to share those memories with wouldn't be so bad either.



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